The Weight of the Past

Unpacking Forgiveness.

"Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies."

Nelson Mandela

What if forgiveness is the cure for the invisible baggage we lug through life? These burdens, rooted in past grievances, find sanctuary in our subconscious, often sprouting from childhood, and perpetuated through time by thought. We wear these scars, but at what cost?

Imagine the liberation of dropping this weight. What’s the alternative? Resist the reality of a lighter life, more at peace?

Two paths emerge when reflecting on forgiveness - one for those we wish to keep in our lives, another for those we let go. When it comes to the former, our perceptions, stained by the past, cloud the reality of now. To forgive is to live in the present, to see each other as we are, not as we were. This realignment allows us to perceive beyond the distortions of the past, allowing us to continue in our relationship with those we care for who may have hurt us in the past. 

For those we choose to distance ourselves from, or who have exited our lives for good, the realization that their memories still consume our thoughts is pivotal. Do they deserve our attention? This awareness shifts our perspective, allowing us to value our time and mental space as precious commodities. Here, forgiveness is a practical trade, a choice to invest our energies in what truly enriches us.

Forgiving someone reminds me of a traveler who roams the world, not burdened by excess baggage. Without forgiveness, we carry our emotional luggage everywhere, a weight that slows us down. 

This week, as we reflect on the essence of forgiveness, let's perceive it not just as a gift to others, but as an act of self-liberation. It's about choosing a lighter path, embracing the present, and venturing into new experiences, free from the weight of the past.


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